Thursday, August 24, 2023

Payments Wallet Configuration and Migration to another environment in Oracle Fusion Cloud

Let's see how to configure the Payments Wallet in Oracle Fusion Cloud as well as the steps to Migrate the wallet from one environment to another. Migration steps are to be performed in case P2T or T2T refresh activities are being performed and there's need to migrate the wallet from one POD to another.

Steps to create Payments Wallet:

- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance

- Search for Manage System Security Options 

- Find out 'Apply Quick Defaults' button

- If this button is Disabled, that means the wallet has already been created and no further action is needed

- If this button is Enabled, then you can create a new wallet by clicking on Apply Quick Defaults button

- Once the pop-up is shown, select the first option to Create empty wallet 

- Save

This will create the Payments Wallet and system key in Fusion Cloud.

The wallet information can be checked by querying IBY_SYS_SECURITY_OPTIONS table which should contain one record pointing to the payment wallet.


Steps to Migrate Payments Wallet from one environment to another:

Steps to be performed in the Source Environment:

- Run ESS job named 'Import Security Credential Job'

- Specify the 'Credential File Type' parameter as 'Export Payments Wallet'

- Leave all other parameters as blank

- One the ESS job completes, a file with the name 'IBY_OPSS_contents.ks' will be generated in the fin/payments/import folder in UCM.

- To see this, navigate to File Import and Export option

- Download and save this file on your machine.

Steps to be performed in the Target Environment:

- We need to upload aforementioned .ks file on the Target environment in fin/payments/import UCM folder.

- Navigate to File Import and Export page and upload the file 'IBY_OPSS_contents.ks' from local machine to the fin/payments/import Account

- Run the ESS Job 'Import Security Credential Job

- Specify the 'Credential File Type' parameter as 'Import Payments Wallet'

- Leave all other parameters as blank

- Once the ESS job completes, the wallet contents are imported into the target environment

- The newly imported wallet information can be checked by querying IBY_SYS_SECURITY_OPTIONS table which should contain one record pointing to the payment wallet, as shown in first section of this blog.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

How to use SOAP APIs to Automate Migration of BIP Reports to another environment in Oracle Fusion

In the previous post, we saw how to manually migrate various reports in Oracle Fusion Cloud to another environments.

In this blog, let's see how we can automate migration of BI Publisher reports using BI Publisher SOAP APIs offered by Oracle Fusion Cloud.

We need to use below SOAP API provided by Fusion/ERP Cloud in order to download/upload various BIP components.

Catalog Service WSDL for creating connections:
https:// <SourceServer/DestinationServer>

Source Report to be migrated:

Request Payload to Download the BIP report from source instance:

            <v:reportAbsolutePath>Your report path </v:reportAbsolutePath>

Response Payload will contain the Encoded base64 data:

Request Payload to Upload the BIP report to destination instance:

The above returned encoded data need to be passed as input to the below along with report absolute path:



More operations offered by BI Publisher SOAP API:

Create Folder:

This operation lets you create a new custom folder in the desired path.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="">
         <v2:folderAbsolutePath>/Custom/Financials/Payables/TestUpload/Custom Folder</v2:folderAbsolutePath>


Rename Report:

This operation lets you rename an existing report to a new name.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="">


Delete Report:

This operation lets you delete any existing report.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="">



Friday, July 28, 2023

How to Migrate BIP and OTBI Reports to another environment in Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion Cloud offers a powerful suite of business intelligence and reporting tools, namely BI Publisher (BIP) and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). These reporting tools enable businesses to create, customize, and analyze reports to gain valuable insights into their data.

As part of a typical implementation and/or support process, they may need to migrate these reports from one environment to another, such as from a development environment to a production environment.
So let's see what are the various methods of migrating BIP and OTBI reports seamlessly to another environment.


1. Understand the Source and Target Environments:
Before initiating the migration, make sure you have a clear understanding of the source environment (where the reports currently reside) and the target environment (where you want to migrate the reports).

2. Backup Your Reports:
It is crucial to create a backup of all your BIP and OTBI reports from the source environment. In case anything goes wrong during the migration process, you can restore the reports using the backup.

3. Export Reports from the Source Environment:
Both BIP and OTBI reports can be exported from the source environment in various formats like below:
BI Report -> .xdoz
BI Data Model -> .xdmz
OTBI Prompts -> .catalog
OTBI Analysis -> .catalog
OTBI Dashboard -> .catalog

Ensure you have exported all the necessary reports before proceeding to the migration.

Now, let's see how to perform actual migration steps:

Migrating BI Publisher (BIP) Reports:

BI Publisher reports are widely used for document-style reporting in Oracle Fusion Cloud.
To migrate these reports, follow below steps:

a. Export BIP Reports:
- Log in to the source environment and export the BIP reports you wish to migrate.

- Navigate to instance URL /xmlpserver

- Find the desired report to be exported

- Download the .xdoz file for Report and .xdmz file for Data Model


b. Access the Target Environment:
- Log in to the target environment where you want to import the BIP reports.

- Navigate to instance URL /xmlpserver

c. Upload BIP Reports:
- Navigate to the desired folder in the target environment. Locate the option to Upload the report or data model, and select the exported .xdoz, .xdmz files.

d. Review and Test:
- Once the reports are imported, review them in the target environment. Ensure that all the data sources, layouts, and parameters are correctly set up. Run some test cases to verify the accuracy of the migrated reports.

Migrating Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Reports:

OTBI reports provide real-time operational intelligence by analyzing transactional data.
To migrate these reports, follow these steps:

a. Export OTBI Reports:
- Access the OTBI interface in the source environment.

- Navigate to instance URL /analytics

- Export the desired OTBI report components such as Analysis, Prompts and Dashboards using the Archive option.




- Download the .catalog files.

b. Import OTBI Reports:
- Log in to the target environment and navigate to the OTBI interface.

- Navigate to instance URL /analytics

- Look for the Unarchive option to import the OTBI report components, and select the .catalog files you previously exported.

c. Validate and Optimize:
- After importing the reports, validate them to ensure all data sources, filters, and layout settings are intact. Optimize the reports if necessary, to adapt them to any changes in the target environment.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

How to customize PO Output PDF in Oracle Fusion Cloud

In Oracle ERP, Purchase Orders are crucial documents that help manage the procurement process. The ability to customize the PO Output PDF ensures that the document aligns with your organization's branding and contains relevant information specific to your business needs.
Often, we come across the need to customize seeded PO Output format to incorporate various changes/features as per business needs.
Let's see the steps to customize the PO Output PDF in Oracle Fusion Cloud.

- To begin the customization process, log in to your Oracle Fusion Cloud instance with the necessary privileges to access the BI Publisher reports. Navigate to BI Publisher Reports:

- In the BI Publisher Reports section, search for the Purchase Order PDF report under this path:
/Shared Folders -> Procurement -> Purchasing

- Click More -> Customize

This will create a custom copy of this report under this path:

/Shared Folders -> Custom -> Procurement -> Purchasing

- Customize the Report Layout:
Open the newly copied report template in BI Publisher's report editor. Here, you can customize the layout, content, and formatting of the Purchase Order PDF according to your requirements.

You can download the seeded RTF template from here and include the desired data fields from the PO dataset, such as PO number, vendor information, item details, and more. You will need to run the data model for s a sample data set and download XML file so that it can be imported into template builder using PO Output RTF.
If the business requirement is to add additional columns then you will need to customize the seeded Data Model as well and you can refine the query to include additional required fields, which can be later included in the template which will be in RTF format.

- Once the custom RTF is ready, you need to upload it to the customized report as an additional template

Navigate to "View a list" option and check Default Layout box for the newly uploaded custom template

- Save the report

- Now, before you can start using this customized template, you need to complete few more steps.

- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance

- Search for 'Configure Procurement Business Function' Task

- Select Procurement BU and click OK

- Click on Document Types

- Click on Purchase Order document type

- Navigate to Document Type Details section. Under Document Layout, select your custom layout/template name from the dropdown. Click Save and Close.

- We are done with all the steps to customize and activate the custom template for PO Output PDF.
Now, let's see how we can test/use it.

- Navigate to Procurement - > Purchase Orders

- Navigate to Manage Orders and find the desired PO

- Once the PO is opened, click on View PDF. This will download the PDF file using your newly created template.
