Sunday, April 25, 2021

How To Create List of Values (LOV) for ESS Job Parameters in Oracle Fusion

Once you have created a custom ESS job in Oracle Fusion, naturally there'll be need to have custom parameters and some of them may need to have LOVs associated with them. Unlike in EBS, we cannot create table type LOVs in Fusion. So let's see how we can achieve this here.

- Navigate to Setup and Maintenance

- Navigate to Manage Common Lookups

- Create custom Lookup and enter corresponding Lookup Codes

-  Navigate to Manage ESS Job Definitions

- Navigate to Manage List of Values Sources

- Associate List of Value Source Definition with custom Lookup -

List of Values Source Definition Name - oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.lookups.model.publicView.CommonLookupPVO

- Navigate to ESS Job Registration and Create Parameter

- Add parameters

- Create Dependencies and provide the Lookup Type in Default Value


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

How to create a new ESS Job in Oracle Fusion

Let's see how to create a new ESS Job for any of our reports in Oracle Fusion. Once created, the report can be run like a concurrent request by scheduling an ESS process.

Below are the steps to create a new ESS job - 

- Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance


- Search and open 'Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for Financial, Supply Chain Management, and Related Applications'


- Click on + icon to create a new ESS Job for the desired report

- Enter all necessary fields as shown in the example below -

Report Id - This should match the actual path of your BIP report .xdo file (e.g. BIP/FAMassAdditionsReport.xdo)

- Save and Close

- The ESS Job for our report has been registered

- Navigate to Scheduled Processes

- Schedule New Process

- Enter the newly created job - XXTest ESS Job

- Submit

- We can see the job has been successfully completed -


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS) Jobs and Tables in Oracle Fusion

In Oracle EBS, we have Standard Request Submission (SRS) that takes care of all our concurrent requests. 

In Oracle Fusion/ERP Cloud, Enterprise Scheduler Service (aka ESS) does the job of running/scheduling all the processes.

This can be accessed by navigating to hamburger menu on left top corner, then go to Tools -> Scheduled Processes

We can search for specific processes that have been already run or Schedule/Run a new process -

Now, let's discuss about the ESS tables. By using these tables, we can see the details of history ESS jobs which is very similar to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table in Oracle EBS.

Below are the tables we need to get ESS job history details -



Query -

  SELECT r.requestid,
    FROM fusion.ess_request_history r, fusion.ess_request_property v
   WHERE definition LIKE '%Pay%' AND r.requestid = v.requestid
   ORDER BY r.requestid,

Output -


Sunday, February 14, 2021

How to fix Buyer page issues in R12.2.8

In R12.2.8, many of the seeded OAF pages now have a sort of 'Infinite Scroll' feel for table based data sets. While this is a nice to have change, it sometimes hinders some of the seeded functionalities and there has not been a concrete solution to overcome this.

One of such places is the Buyers page in Purchasing where we can see all existing buyers as well as create new ones. Since the 'Infinite Scroll" has been baked into this page as a default scrolling format, we have been encountering issues in creating new buyers. This issue is so annoying that at times we were just unable to create new buyers.

Below are the details of the issue and the solution to overcome it. I hope it helps many of you who might be facing similar issue on Buyer page in 12.2.8.

In fact, this solution can be applied to any page in 12.2.8 as needed.

Issue details -

In 12.2.8, click on Add Buyer (+) Button as shown below -

Once clicked, the list of existing Buyers is loaded and cursor automatically goes to highlighted field and not to the empty row where we should be entering new buyer details –

Sometimes the blank row cannot be found anywhere even if we scroll up or down.

At times, it's seen somewhere on top or in the middle or even end of the list but it’s very inconsistent and at times simply doesn’t work.

Also, if users click + sign multiple times (assuming it didn't work in first attempt), then it adds multiple blank rows making the form completely unusable as it prevents you from saving your entry because it expects you to populate values in all blank rows (generated by multiple clicks) and there is no delete option to get rid of these blank rows.

Issue fix -

The only way of fixing this buggy behavior is to personalize the page in question. Please follow below steps to do so.

1. Personalize Buyers Table on Buyer page -

2. Personalize Advanced Table: Buyers Table -

3. Set ‘Row Navigation Policy’ to ‘Page’ at desired levels (Default is Scroll) -

4. Click Apply and Return to Application

5. Now if you click on + sign to add a new buyer, the new blank row will appear on top and the frame will show Previous and Next options and eliminating the above issue. This can be done on any other pages as needed.

Hope this helps you in fixing the issues caused by Scroll navigation policy in 12.2.8 pages. You can implement this solution on any 12.2.8 OAF page to revert to page level navigation.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Make Interactive Grid work like Excel or Google Sheets in Oracle APEX

Interactive grid (IG) is arguably one of the best components available in newer versions of Oracle APEX. IG is an awesome blend of a form and an interactive report that lets users view the data in IR format as well as make DML operations (CRUD) to the dataset.

By default, user needs to explicitly click the Save button after each change made in the IG...but what if you want to make IG behave like an online excel or google sheet where all the changes are automatically saved ?

We can certainly do this by incorporating below changes. Lets see the steps -

1. First, assign a static ID to your Interactive Grid e.g. ig_test

2. Now, lets create a Dynamic Action on this IG and set event details as below -

Event - Change

Selection Type - Region

Region - <IG region>

3. For the True event of this DA, select Action as Execute JavaScript Code -

4. Enter below JS code. Note - Here we've used static ID of our IG (ig_test) to invoke Save action.

apex.region( "ig_test" ).widget().interactiveGrid( "getActions" ).invoke( "save" );

5. Save and run the application.

Now, as soon as you make any modifications to the data and navigate to the next item by tabbing out or with a mouse click, you'll see the changes are automatically saved and standard 'Changes saved' message is shown.

By implementing this solution, users don't have to click Save button every time they make any changes in Interactive Grid and it delivers an experience that's very close to Excel online or Google Sheets.
